Burnout: Only an Ember

Smallest ember remains,Flickering hope in dark.Once raged so bright when sane,Now not more than a spark.Young dreamers, full of heart,Did battle the great flames.Destined to heal with smarts,But fire won’t stay the same.The blaze does shift and move,Anyone near will be burned.Fear ignites; can’t improve.Innocence takes a turn.If phoenix escapes…

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Copyright 2022 Sai Bhumanapalli

Hobbies and graduate student life: Not inherently incompatible

Creativity is necessary for all parts of life. As a classics professor of mine used to like saying, “the humanities are what make us human.”((University of Maryland Department of Classics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2019, from https://classics.umd.edu/users/gstaley )) If prompted, he would expound at length on discussions of art, writing,…

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A Ballerina of the Hathaway Academy of Ballet, photo by David R. Tribble and licensed under CC. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ballet-Ballerina-1843.jpg

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